Invertase insights - Flutter - Page 2
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How to use native APIs in Flutter: Platform Channels [Part 1]
Learn how to write platform aware code and access native APIs in Flutter

Get started with Flutter tests and GitHub workflows
Learn how to write Flutter tests and run them automatically with GitHub workflows.

What’s new in FlutterFire for Google I/O 2021
Along with the awesome Flutter and Firebase announcements made during Google I/O, the team is excited to announce the latest round of updates for the FlutterFire plugins.

How to: Extending the Flutter devtool
Very recently, the Flutter devtool got extended to include a screen that integrates with provider to allow you to inspect and edit the state of your applications. Let’s explain how you can do the same yourself.

Announcing Zapp! EAP: Build Dart & Flutter apps in the browser!
Today at Invertase we’re excited to announce a project we’ve been working on. Zapp! allows developers to code and run Dart & Flutter projects directly within a browser without the need for a local development environment. Zapp! will soon be ready for an Early Access Preview.

FlutterFire – now with sound null safety
Announcing updates to FlutterFire and it’s migration to Dart sound null safety.

Introducing a state-inspector devtool for Provider/Riverpod
After Zapp! Invertase is happy to announce our work on a state-inspector for Provider and Riverpod!