
Firebase Extensions Release Notes – January 2023

Latest updates for Firestore BigQuery Export, Storage Resize Images, and the Firestore Send Email extension. Some general housekeeping also includes updated documentation resources and work improving our CI environment.

5 min readFirebase Extensions Release Notes – January 2023

What’s new

In this month’s release notes, you will learn more about the latest updates for Firestore BigQuery Export, Storage Resize Images, and the Firestore Send Email extension. Some general housekeeping also includes updated documentation resources and work improving our CI environment.

Version Updates

Firestore BigQuery Export (0.1.29)

Storage Resize Images (0.1.33)

Firestore Send Email (0.1.21)

Firestore BigQuery Export

The BigQuery extension has minor updates, including initial sync event hooks, bug fixes on error catching when syncing data, and improvements for the Import script.

Initial Sync Events

Last year, we introduced Extension Events for allowing developers to react to or event extend specific events that occur within an extension.

A popular request was to include an event for when data is about to be synced to BigQuery. From this version onwards, developers can now listen to these events by syncing to the firebase.extensions.big-query-export.v1.sync.start event.

Failed Transaction Bug Improvements

During the synchronization of documents, the BigQuery extension will attempt to catch any issues when using the BigQuery API. In addition, the extension allows developers to specify a backup collection to store any details on failed transactions.

Not all failed transactions have a specific error message included, however, and can sometimes be returned as an empty list of errors.

Following the latest update, the extension will no longer throw any internal errors if an error list has not been provided.

Import Script Improvements

Two new options have been added to the Import Cli tool.

Use new snapshot syntax

Last month, with a lot of help from the Firebase Extension community! We added a much more performative script, which helped to improve the overall speed and efficiency of the views queries.

By running the CLI with the new -u, --use-new-snapshot-query-syntax, the import script will now produce new views with the improved query syntax.

Use emulator

The Import cli includes updates that introduce improved testing, which will improve developed speed and efficiency going forward.

A major benefit of this is a new emulator flag. If you would like to use an emulated Firestore database, you can now also use -e, --use-emulator to include emulator data as part of your import data.

Storage Resize Images

This update includes bug fixes from the previous release.

Re-adding input data on the complete event.

In the previous release, a bug was introduced which meant that object data was no longer included in the complete event.

From this release onwards the will now include `input` data related to the image object that is to be resized.

Firestore Send Email

The main update for this extension is to introduce a series of Events that allow developers to engage with the Extension. The list onStart, onProcessing, onRetry, onPending, onSuccess, onComplete and onError.

The full list of events, with descriptions are as follows:


Occurs when the extension starts execution.


Occurs when the extension attempts to process an email.


Occurs when the extension attempts to resend an email.


Occurs when an email has a pending status.


Occurs when the extension successfully sends an email.


Occurs when the extension completes execution.


Occurs when the extension fails to complete execution.


As part of the maintenance of these extensions, we look to improve processes and guides for developers.

CI Integration

Developers will now find a much quicker and more efficient CI environment for running tests, improving the developer experience when developing bugs and features on the repository.


Guides to improve understanding of the Extensions are now included in the Firestore Send Email and Storage Resize Images pre and post-install documentation.

The guides can also be found here:

Firestore Send Email

Storage Resizes Images

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