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Firebase Extensions September Release 2022

Firebase Extensions September Release 2022

What’s New? There has been one major update this month. Storage Resize Images (Public Download URLs) One popular issue when resizing images was the effort required by developers to keep image URLs secure.

Darren Ackers
Darren Ackers
Announcing Zapp! Public Beta

Announcing Zapp! Public Beta

We are proud to announce that Zapp! is now in public beta. We’ve been hard at work over the past few weeks working on highly requested features, fixing bugs, and improving the performance of certain features.

Majid Hajian
Majid Hajian
Announcing the Dart Custom Lint package

Announcing the Dart Custom Lint package

I am pleased to announce our ‘custom_lint’ package, a powerful tool for building custom lint rules that allow package authors as well as Flutter and Dart developers to go beyond the standard lint rules.

Majid Hajian
Majid Hajian
Firestore to BigQuery via Firebase Extensions

Firestore to BigQuery via Firebase Extensions

BigQuery can be considered the opposite of Firestore from a data structured point of view. Using an advanced querying engine, large complex datasets can be found and organized with minimal effort.Using a form of SQL(structured-query-language), BigQuery allows data to be queried with minimal time between queries.The defined relationships between tables mean data can be formed between multiple

Darren Ackers
Darren Ackers