Posts in "Firebase Extensions"

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Creating a Quiz Generator using the ChatGPT Firebase Extension

21st November, 2023

Rajeev Ranjan Sharma

Web Developer & Builder

You often want to test your knowledge when learning a new topic. You can get ready-made quizzes on the subject, but generally, they tend to be too broad. What if you only want to test yourself on the content you’ve just read? This is the problem statement we will tackle in this article: given some content, how can you create a quiz based on it?

Firebase Extensions – Shorten URLs

1st August, 2023

Gonçalo Palma

Lead Flutter Developer

Sharing is one of the most common features in modern web and mobile applications. It allows us to show a social media post or a photograph we took to a friend, share the planning for an upcoming business travel with our company, or even send that item from an e-commerce website to Santa to have a PS5 finally. To do so, we copy the URL for that specific website (or use the Share function on our devices), and we send it via different outlets – social media, messaging apps, snail mail, or others so that other people can click on it and see what we wanted to share.