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Image optimization with Firebase Extensions

Image optimization with Firebase Extensions

In this blog, the use-case discussed is about images and Cloud Storage triggers. You will start from scratch, imagining an app where people can tell stories through words and pictures.

Mais Alheraki
Mais Alheraki
Firebase Extensions October Release 2022

Firebase Extensions October Release 2022

This month we include updates for Firestore BigQuery Export and improved guides for Firestore Send Email. In addition to some housekeeping to help our contributors and overall development.

Darren AckersJacob Cable
Darren A.,Jacob C.
Firebase Extensions September Release 2022

Firebase Extensions September Release 2022

What’s New? There has been one major update this month. Storage Resize Images (Public Download URLs) One popular issue when resizing images was the effort required by developers to keep image URLs secure.

Darren Ackers
Darren Ackers
Firestore to BigQuery via Firebase Extensions

Firestore to BigQuery via Firebase Extensions

BigQuery can be considered the opposite of Firestore from a data structured point of view. Using an advanced querying engine, large complex datasets can be found and organized with minimal effort.Using a form of SQL(structured-query-language), BigQuery allows data to be queried with minimal time between queries.The defined relationships between tables mean data can be formed between multiple

Darren Ackers
Darren Ackers
Introducing Extension Events

Introducing Extension Events

In a nutshell, events are pub-sub events. Built on top of the Eventarc, this allows developers to write decoupled code to listen to a specific pre-defined subscription. This update became available in the latest 10.2.0 release of the Firebase admin SDK.

Darren Ackers
Darren Ackers