
Announcing interns for our Flutter and Dart internship program

Announcing interns for our Flutter and Dart internship program – June to September 2022 period

5 min readAnnouncing interns for our Flutter and Dart internship program

On May 26, 2022, we announced our Flutter & Dart Internship Program. We have received fantastic feedback from the community and how excited many people are. Many DMs, messages, and emails indicate how this program might change one’s career and life.

We are so proud of our contribution to the community, and the 1810 applications only within ten days of opening this program show how important this is.

The Flutter and Dart Internship program is designed to help students, fresh graduates, and junior developers level up their Flutter and Dart skills by working on production-ready applications under community experts’ supervision. The program’s ultimate goal is to go beyond tutorials and workshops and guide participants to work on real applications. We hope that at the end of this program, by dedication and determination under expert guidance, the participants will become ready to take any job in the market.

Initially, we mentioned that we would work with five interns from June to September 2022. However, we are happy to announce eight interns today.

Let’s welcome


About our process

It’s hard to review 1810 applications and only select eight out of them. There are a few essential things we took into consideration when we started shortlisting candidates, and I believe it’s necessary to note which things might help you apply with a higher chance of being selected:

  • Providing a good motivation letter
  • Be clear and precise on what you want to achieve in the program
  • Make it clear you are available to work full-time for the period
  • Show your profiles, e.g. website, social media, GitHub, etc.
  • Show what you have learned before and how you plan to learn more in the motivation letter
  • Show your excitement!
  • Polish your online presence if you have any and make it easier for us to navigate your links.
  • Emphasis on your contributions and achievements if you have any. All achievements are essential and significant.
  • Do not underestimate or under sell yourself in the motivation letter.
  • Take your time to read all text on the website. We can easily find out whether you have read it or not!
  • Take your time and fill out the application form with patience. It’s essential to answer all questions carefully.
  • Make sure your motivation letter is straightforward to understand. It shows us how important it is for you when you take the time to get it right. Be sure to review what you’ve written and correct grammar or spelling errors.

What next

We understand that many applicants have received a rejection letter, which might disappoint them. However, we plan to collaborate with more companies and mentors from the community, which will allow us to accept more interns next time.Therefore, do not be disappointed; there was nothing wrong with your application. We could not accommodate all of you in the program, and we had to select only 8.Hence, prepare yourself for another internship announcement in August. You might be the next intern for the program.

I am interested in becoming a mentor.

That is awesome! We want you! If you are a Flutter and Dart expert or your company would like to sponsor interns from the program then please feel free to sign up to become a mentor. We will contact you as soon as we can.Let’s help the Flutter community together.

Follow us

We are announcing more programs and community contributions in the future. You may follow us on Twitter, Linkedin, and Youtube or our newsletter to get our latest updates.

We are hoping to see you soon in the following program.